Sarah TC

Sarah TC


12 stories

Photograph of a cucumber with a tape measure wrapped around it.
A stethoscope and pills arranged to spell “SOS” on a yellow background
Sarah TC

Sarah TC


9 stories

A big golden fish sits upright on a chair in a room, leaning onto a wooden table. On the table there is a fishbowl with a small human inside. Behind the fish, on the wall, there is wallpaper and a clock. The image gives a sense of out-of-placeness.
Photograph of a cucumber with a tape measure wrapped around it.
Sarah TC

Sarah TC

Other angry rants and miscellaneous stories

8 stories

A woman with a towel arranged into a turban on her head, attending to her skincare routine in the mirror.
Sarah TC

Sarah TC


5 stories

Two swans swimming on the dock on a sunny day, with their reflections visible in the water.
Sarah TC

Sarah TC

All my boosted stories

12 stories

A silhouette of a person with a rainbow brain in a room full of people.
Photo of a small group of women, one holding up a placard with the words “I just had sexism”.
Sarah TC

Sarah TC

Psychology and mental health

1 story

Two swans swimming on the dock on a sunny day, with their reflections visible in the water.
Sarah TC

Sarah TC


15 stories

A person throwing multi-coloured powder paint.
Close up of David Tennant at Comic Con
The words “fight hate” with rainbow colours on a peach coloured background.
Sarah TC

Sarah TC


14 stories

Two lego superheroes face each other. One is blue and holding a shield, the other is red and has hands made of ice.
Photograph of brown carboard boxes stacked in a messy fashion, with flowers spilling out
Grey metal lockers, one with a blue “Education Changes the World” sticker in white block capitals.
Sarah TC

Sarah TC

Writing about writing

4 stories

A woman with an angry face and her middle finger extended in a rude gesture.
A canvas with a yellow angry face painted on it rests against a brick wall.
A photograph of an open notebook with a fountain pen resting on the page.
Sarah TC

Sarah TC


I am a queer, neurodivergent mental health nurse, academic and PhD student. I write about the things that matter to me and my community.